In addition to standard products, we also handle hinges for a variety of other products, so we can design hinges to meet your needs.

Free Stop Type Medal Games
●Can be stopped or moved freely because it’s all in the free stop range
■Operating Specifications
・Opening/Closing Movement Angle : 0°-180°
・From position A to position B is a free stop range.
■Operating Torque (Specification by Item)
・Torque Value : 0.8 N・m
■Operating Life
30,000 times back and forth from A to B
■Important Points
We recommend using only one of these.

Free Stop Type Helmets
●58° Free Stop Range
■Operating Specifications
・Opening/Closing Movement Angle : 0°~58°
・From position A to position C is a free stop range.
■Operating Torque (Specification by Item)
・Torque Value : More than 9 cN•m
■Operating Life
Over 10,000 times between A and C
■Important Points
We recommend using only one of these.

Torque Variation Mechanism Type Flip down
●Torque in the range of 0°-20° is light and torque in the range 20°-180° heavy
■Operating Specifications
・Opening/Closing Movement Angle : 0°~180°
■Operating Torque (Specification by Item)
・From position A to B 0-0.1 N・m
・From position B to C 0.68-0.92 N・m
■Operating Life
20,000 times back and forth from A to C

Semi-auto Slide Type TV Remote Controls
●Thickness 4.5 mm, Stroke Amount: 2 Stage Type 0mm→22mm→42mm
●The opening and closing force points are at 11 mm and 30.5 mm, and after passing these points, the slide automatically completes.
■Operating Specifications
・While opening, position A to B is manual and B to C automatic.
・While closing, position C to B is manual and B to A is automatic.
■Operating Torque (Specification by Item)
・A側Opening Force : 500±100 gf
・B側Opening Force : 700±100 gf
・C側Closeing Force : 350±100 gf
・B側Closeing Force : 300±100 gf
■Operating Life
100,000 times back and forth from A to C
■Important Points
We recommend using only one of these.

Semi-auto Slide Type Lens Covers
●Thickness 3.0mm, Stroke Amount: 34 mm Type
●It has a low price part configuration. ●The hinge’s stoppers are on the right and left.
■Operating Specifications
・While opening, position A to B is manual and B to C automatic.
・While closing, position C to B is manual and B to A is automatic.
■Operating Torque (Specification by Item)
・Torque Value : 100±20 gf
※Opening and closing are equivalent
■Operating Life
Over 60,000 times between A and C
■Important Points
We recommend using only one of these.

One Stop Type Headphones
●he range from -79° to 0° returns to 0° and the range from 0° to 67.3° returns to 0°.
■Operating Specifications
・Opening/Closing Movement Angle : 0°-67.3°
・Force operates in the direction of A between position A and B.
From position A to C the direction of force is towards A
■Operating Torque (Specification by Item)
・Torque Value : -1 : 20.5~25.5 cN・m
・Torque Value : -2 : 23~28 cN・m
・Torque Value : -3 : 28~37 cN・m
■Operating Life
Over 10,000 times back and forth between B and C
■Important Points
We recommend using two of these.